IO - Integration Objects
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Description :
An EMIS (Energy Management Information System) is a crucial component of energy management strategies and sustainability initiatives helping to optimize the energy usage, reduce costs and enhance sustainability within industries by monitoring, analyzing, and managing energy consumption of the common industrial processes. Typically, and EMIS is a key system to support informed decision making and minimize environmental impact. Smart IoT Highway platform (SIOTH®) is an integration platform, with the following main capabilities: IT/OT integration, visualization, and rules processing. The objective of this internship is to build an EMIS application based on SIOTH platform.
Scope of work :
Within this context, we propose this end of year project in order to design and implement an EMIS application which could ensure the following functionalities :
Date d’expiration: 25 décembre, 2023
Date d’expiration: 25 décembre, 2023