This final-year project focuses on creating and implementing a Business Intelligence System (BIS) within the DocShipper company to optimize conversion rates in an International context.
- Design interactive dashboards to monitor conversion performance in different countries.
- Analyze customer data to discover behavioral patterns and optimization opportunities.
- Develop machine learning models to recommend actions to improve conversion rates.
- Effectively integrate external data to enrich the analysis.
- Evaluate the impact of changes and optimizations on conversion rates and adjust strategies accordingly.
- Skills in algorithms
- Knowledge of web languages
- Ability to use APIs
- Expertise in artificial intelligence (AI)
- Strong background in statistics
- Proficiency in machine learning (ML)
- Familiarity with the Analytics platform
- HTML, CSS, REST API, OATH2, Javascript, NodeJS, Zoho Deluge Script, Zoho Creator.
- The use of ZIA or any other ML supplement is also anticipated.
- Minimum AI and ML skills are required.
Send your CV with the subject line : DA-Subject 4
Date d’expiration: 22 novembre, 2023